What is the potential?

With our test, we help you uncover the talent potential in your organisation – whether on an individual, team or organisational level.


The TT38® Talent Test uncovers employees’ talents and helps them become the best version of themselves. Through our tests, your company can gain insights into your talents, enabling them to perform better.

We identify individual talents and help people develop themselves so everyone can become the best version of themselves. There is a focus on the person, the team, and the entire organization. When individuals know their talents, they perform and thrive better, both at work and in their personal lives.

“We all have a Superman hidden under our clothes; it’s all about how you bring out the right talents!”

TT38 TEAM TEST The approach to effectively utilizing Talents Unlimited’s Team Test is as follows:

  1. TT38 Talent Test: The entire team starts by taking the TT38 Talent Test to individually identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique contributions to the team.
  2. Purchase Access: Next, you purchase access to our Team Test platform, which allows you to explore your overall team dynamics more deeply and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Workshop with Consultant: Conduct a Team Test workshop with one of our skilled consultants. This workshop is designed to provide your team with an insightful and valuable day, where you explore your test results together, discuss opportunities for improvement, and learn new strategies to strengthen your teamwork.

By following these steps, your team will gain a comprehensive understanding of how you work together and what steps you can take to improve your collaboration and increase your effectiveness.

Who do we address?

We address anyone who considers talent a fundamental strategic resource that should be nurtured and developed. We give you the key to unlock the full potential of your talent pool and identify what is missing. Our tests provide you with a dynamic tool for personal development, recruitment, teamwork, leadership and organisational development.

We address you who:

Wishes for more targeted recruitment and stronger onboarding.

An early insight into new employees provides the basis for a better integration into the company, stronger teams to be formed and ultimately a healthier work environment.

Seeks to optimise teamwork and collaboration in the workplace.

Do you know enough about how you and your colleagues work together in the team? By gaining insight into the team’s talents, one can better exploit the individual’s potential and support a functional team.

Strives for a stronger organisation.

Through insight, you can support the company’s growth and create a stronger foundation.  Companies that utilise our tests thus see an average increase of 14% in their turnover.

Are executives looking to develop.

Up to 70% of an employee’s commitment is closely related to the immediate manager and nothing is more expensive for a company than bad management. The test supports leadership development and helps identify blind spots as well as development points.

An overview of our tests, certifications and courses

Talent test

Our unique testing tool helps you to realise your full potential and explains everything from behaviour to cognitive talents. Once this is mapped, you can help people target the use of their talents, thereby ensuring high efficiency and quality of work.

TT38® Talent Test

Success profile

If you find it difficult to find the “perfect employee” for an assignment, this tool can ensure that you are aware of an applicant’s strengths and weaknesses, even better than they are themselves. Create a success profile so you know exactly what you’re searching for and most importantly why.

Success profile

Team Test

Create a thorough overview of your team’s strengths and weaknesses, and gain a deeper understanding of how the team works on the cognitive level. To go from accepting each other to appreciating each other’s strengths and weaknesses makes a huge impact.



You can become certified in the product yourself and thereby develop executives, managers, teams and employees. Everything you need is gathered in one tool. Help your organisation become more aware of people’s strengths and talents, and how to use them in the best way possible.

Master Class

If you want to improve further after the certification, you can join our Master Class. Here it is possible to exchange knowledge with others who are certified, and thereby achieve better results for your business. Become a Master of knowledge in Talent and unlock the full potential of people.



We are building upon the newest knowledge

Our tests are based on neurological and psychological studies, which form the framework for a unique way of identifying talent, on an individual level and in teams. Our tests are based on the latest knowledge and are therefore constantly evolving, in order to provide the best solutions for you.

What TT38 has done for our customers

""TT38 is central to DanBan's recruitment activities, and their tests have been an invaluable support in our processes""

"In our selection of candidates, TT38 has
predicted the behavior 100% right each time!
The 3 times we chose not to follow the test
the candidate failed!"

""I have gained valuable insight into the three types of stress and learned to recognize my own stress signals. This knowledge enables me to share and support both myself and my colleagues, strengthening our collective ability to act proactively against stress.""

"At Canon, we have a strong focus on hiring the right profiles that can succeed in our highly competitive market. Therefore, in collaboration with Talents Unlimited, we have used the TT38 Talent Test to define a success profile in sales that shows the talents a seller must have to be successful in our industry.
We can see that when we are loyal to our success profile, our success rate is higher in getting a salesperson to succeed in the job. This is of great benefit to both the employee and the company.
We have now gone one step further and have used the TT38 Talent Test in connection with team building in our sales team. The sellers and executives have become more focused on their talents and how they can become even better sellers, as well as how the sales team improve each other with each other's talent contributions"

"Talents Unlimited conducted the TT38 Talent Test on everyone in our team. It has been an eye-opening process for all parties, where each of us has been identified with personality, values, human top talents and non-talents - as well as their paradoxes.

I, as well as employees, are now geared to individualize the types of tasks we each enjoy the most, so that we can solve them with the least possible energy and get the highest possible output.

I really feel that we have shaped the pieces and we can now start to puzzle and create some even better teams that understand and complement each other's talents.

It will give us a better bottom line. Economically as well as socially"

"In DOVISTA, we view “selection” as one of our most important competences, as our ability to choose the right people for the right position are crucial to creating the optimal organization.

In HR we have until recently based interviews on 4-factor profiles, which is an excellent conversation tool, but at the same time we were aware that we were missing an analysis and development tool.

Therefore, we choose to enter a collaboration with Talents Unlimited on their TT38 “Talent test” which gives us new and better opportunities to put together teams and organization based on a thorough test. It gives us opportunities we haven't had before. The fact that we have chosen to become certified ourselves, is because we see the tool utilized far wider than solely for recruitment, which is why we prefer it in-house, which allows us to work more agile, by having the competence ourselves"

"Personality tests have the effect of providing a rather caricatured - and therefore limited - image of a human being. TT38 is not like that.

TT38 draws a nuanced profile that better takes into account the often very contradictory qualities we each possess. The conclusions are not limited to "blue personality with a little green, so this is who you are", but is based on data on a wide range of personal traits and takes into account the interaction between them. It is all presented in a relatively straightforward way and is complemented by knowledgeable questioning and interpretation by Talents Unlimited, allowing the final nuances to come along

The warmest recommendations from here for both recruitment, efficiency and sheer curiosity"

""Have fun with it. Put your feelings into it, your heart, it's your world. Every time you practice, you learn more.
Sometimes you learn more from your mistakes than you do from your masterpieces. Nothing's gonna make your husband or wife madder than coming home and having a snow-covered dinner. At home you have unlimited time. Making all those little fluffies that live in the clouds. Absolutely no pressure. You are just a whisper floating across a mountain. If you didn't have baby clouds, you wouldn't have big clouds. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose."

Hanne Elisabeth Pilegaard - CEO Happy Workplace"

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