TT38® Talent Test


The TT38® Talent test is developed based on modern strength-based research in positive psychology. The test consists of 440 questions and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The questions appear in pairs in an ipsative format. This means that you not only have to decide how much you agree or disagree with a statement, but also which of two statements you relate to the most. Thus, the test builds a picture of the relative strengths of your talents. Each element that the TT38 tests, you end up answering at least 12 times in different ways. In this way, the test gives you a stable overview of your talents, so you can rely on the validity of the results.

Once you have taken the TT38® Talent Test, a report is generated based on your results. The report is approximately 20 pages long and contains not only a complete overview of your talents, but also assessments of how these talents influence your daily behavior. It also contains nine graphs, each of which tells you something about how you best present yourself in a professional context. The report will help you and your team gain an understanding of your own and each other’s talents and how you can use them to develop and improve productivity, well-being and acceptance of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Below are some of the elements of the report, with a focus on how you can use them to play to your strengths and make the most of the human resources that are critical to your success.

The 34 talents

This graph represents the engine of the test and is one of the most important elements of the report generated for you after you have completed the TT38 Talent Test. It is an overview of the 34 talents ranked according to their strength in relation to each other. Talents reflect cognitive abilities, patterns and ways in which people respond. If you work with your top talents, you are efficient and can deliver more and better output than if you work with your middle talents. It’s also energizing and fun as you perform and make few mistakes. This increases engagement and well-being, two factors that science really points to when looking for markers of high productivity. Conversely, when you work with your bottom talents, you’re likely to be quickly drained of energy, and you run the risk of your work being flawed.

Conflict style

This graph shows what your talent mix means for your discussion strengths, which is a term for the style you are most likely to adopt in a discussion. Each discussion strength represents a distribution of your focus on the goal and your focus on the relationship. For example, if your strength is to be compromising in a discussion, it indicates that you divide your focus equally between achieving the goal and maintaining the relationship with your discussion partners. The graph sheds light on which discussion position you will automatically take if you don’t reflect on it. Understanding your own discussion patterns is an indispensable advantage if you want to learn about the nature of interaction in your team.

Risk of stress

The stress risk graph gives you insight into whether you are at risk of developing one or more of three specific stress types. The vertical line indicates the average risk of developing stress for the Danish population, and if you exceed this, you should pay extra attention to possible stressors in your everyday life. The graph makes it possible for you and your manager to plan individual preventive measures to minimize the risk of stress and burnout at work. This is largely made possible by understanding what stress profile you are likely to exhibit if things are about to go wrong.

Inner drive

Driving forces are an expression of your inner motivation and spark – what makes you love going to work. The graph is a tool for you and your manager to understand what elements need to be present in your work to keep you engaged. Similarly, it increases your understanding of your colleagues’ or employees’ behavior, as their intrinsic motivation often explains their actions. The drivers reveal that the implicit assumption that other people are driven by the same things we are rarely holds true.


Motivational strengths are closely related to driving forces, yet are a more concrete expression of what energizes you when you work. It can serve as a guide for your manager, who can more easily set you desired tasks if he or she is aware that you seek, for example, freedom and status in your professional life. Conversely, certain elements can have a demotivating effect on you, and it’s crucial that your manager doesn’t try to motivate you in the wrong way, as this can reduce your engagement and lead to poor performance.

Work focus

This graph is an illustration of what behaviors you will naturally exhibit in a work situation based on your talents. The possible behaviors in the graph are based on the seven qualities that managers most look for in new hires. The graph can help them understand why your team reacts the way you do when you take on a specific project and the challenges and successes you experience.

Team strengths

Team strengths
The graph is a visualization of your ability to step into each of the nine team roles that research suggests must be filled for a team to perform at its best. You will experience greater productivity and engagement when you work in the roles in which you score the highest, and similarly, it is difficult to be successful if you work in roles where you have a low score. The graph is thus useful for managers who need to put together a team. It allows them to stage employees in their best roles, and they can also clarify which roles you currently cannot fill and need to bring in new people.


The graph provides an overview of where you can support the innovation process along the way from early idea stage to final implementation. Innovation is ephemeral and, like team roles, success requires an organization to have nine types of input to ensure that innovations realize their potential. The graph is used by leaders in project-based organizations to put together the right innovation teams so that those on board can work in the phases of innovation where they each create the most value.

Sales roles

The graph indicates which sales roles you have the most potential in. The higher your score, the faster you can learn to sell in that role. The graph is then used to focus your sales efforts so you can concentrate on the product categories or segments that best fit your optimal roles. A good salesperson in a particular sales role scores over 70%, and it’s not uncommon to score high on a handful of roles simultaneously.


Your talents provide an indicator of your personality based on the recognized five-factor model. First, the five overarching psychological dimensions that research divides personality into are shown and then subdivided into specific categories. The opposing scales within each personality factor indicate where your talents and development potential lie based on your talents.

Statements from happy customers

"In DOVISTA, we view “selection” as one of our most important competences, as our ability to choose the right people for the right position are crucial to creating the optimal organization.

In HR we have until recently based interviews on 4-factor profiles, which is an excellent conversation tool, but at the same time we were aware that we were missing an analysis and development tool.

Therefore, we choose to enter a collaboration with Talents Unlimited on their TT38 “Talent test” which gives us new and better opportunities to put together teams and organization based on a thorough test. It gives us opportunities we haven't had before. The fact that we have chosen to become certified ourselves, is because we see the tool utilized far wider than solely for recruitment, which is why we prefer it in-house, which allows us to work more agile, by having the competence ourselves"

"Talents Unlimited conducted the TT38 Talent Test on everyone in our team. It has been an eye-opening process for all parties, where each of us has been identified with personality, values, human top talents and non-talents - as well as their paradoxes.

I, as well as employees, are now geared to individualize the types of tasks we each enjoy the most, so that we can solve them with the least possible energy and get the highest possible output.

I really feel that we have shaped the pieces and we can now start to puzzle and create some even better teams that understand and complement each other's talents.

It will give us a better bottom line. Economically as well as socially"

"Personality tests have the effect of providing a rather caricatured - and therefore limited - image of a human being. TT38 is not like that.

TT38 draws a nuanced profile that better takes into account the often very contradictory qualities we each possess. The conclusions are not limited to "blue personality with a little green, so this is who you are", but is based on data on a wide range of personal traits and takes into account the interaction between them. It is all presented in a relatively straightforward way and is complemented by knowledgeable questioning and interpretation by Talents Unlimited, allowing the final nuances to come along

The warmest recommendations from here for both recruitment, efficiency and sheer curiosity"

"At Canon, we have a strong focus on hiring the right profiles that can succeed in our highly competitive market. Therefore, in collaboration with Talents Unlimited, we have used the TT38 Talent Test to define a success profile in sales that shows the talents a seller must have to be successful in our industry.
We can see that when we are loyal to our success profile, our success rate is higher in getting a salesperson to succeed in the job. This is of great benefit to both the employee and the company.
We have now gone one step further and have used the TT38 Talent Test in connection with team building in our sales team. The sellers and executives have become more focused on their talents and how they can become even better sellers, as well as how the sales team improve each other with each other's talent contributions"

"In our selection of candidates, TT38 has
predicted the behavior 100% right each time!
The 3 times we chose not to follow the test
the candidate failed!"

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