
Saying goodbye to an employee

When you as a company end an employment relationship with an employee, it’s important to say goodbye properly. It’s about showing them that you have appreciated them and their work during their tenure. Offboarding is a great way to end an employment relationship, where you as a company help them move forward in their life and career. It’s the right way to exit and treat your employees when a termination comes as a surprise and shock to many.

Offboarding, also known as employee exit management, is when an employee leaves the company. In this process, the employee can be turned into a loyal ambassador. Most organizations don’t have a formal and effective offboarding process for their employees. Onboarding, which is the opposite of offboarding, often requires a lot of energy from the company.


A well-organized offboarding can benefit both the employee and the organization. It is especially beneficial in terms of positive publicity and reference of the company, the verbal transmission that it is a good company and that the employee will recommend others to work there. It creates positive signals to the employee and to colleagues who continue to work for the company. It will reflect an open, responsible and honest culture within the company.


– In an offboarding process, the candidate often speaks with a coach about the next steps after employment.

– The TT38 Talent Test is used to locate talents that are useful knowledge in a further career path.

– Questions like: “Where do I go from here?” are well known in an offboarding process. The test answers help identify this.

– There are answers to what – and perhaps why – the candidate needs to do new things.

– It helps the candidate with increased insight into themselves and helps with personal development in the further process.



– Customer engagement: 3.4-6.9% increase

– Employee engagement: 9.0-15.0% increase

– Profit: 14.4-29.4% increase

– Sales: 10.3-19.3% increase

– Low churn: 5.8-16.1% reduction

– High churn: 26.0-71.8% reduction

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"In our selection of candidates, TT38 has
predicted the behavior 100% right each time!
The 3 times we chose not to follow the test
the candidate failed!"

"At Canon, we have a strong focus on hiring the right profiles that can succeed in our highly competitive market. Therefore, in collaboration with Talents Unlimited, we have used the TT38 Talent Test to define a success profile in sales that shows the talents a seller must have to be successful in our industry.
We can see that when we are loyal to our success profile, our success rate is higher in getting a salesperson to succeed in the job. This is of great benefit to both the employee and the company.
We have now gone one step further and have used the TT38 Talent Test in connection with team building in our sales team. The sellers and executives have become more focused on their talents and how they can become even better sellers, as well as how the sales team improve each other with each other's talent contributions"

""Have fun with it. Put your feelings into it, your heart, it's your world. Every time you practice, you learn more.
Sometimes you learn more from your mistakes than you do from your masterpieces. Nothing's gonna make your husband or wife madder than coming home and having a snow-covered dinner. At home you have unlimited time. Making all those little fluffies that live in the clouds. Absolutely no pressure. You are just a whisper floating across a mountain. If you didn't have baby clouds, you wouldn't have big clouds. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose."

Hanne Elisabeth Pilegaard - CEO Happy Workplace"

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