
How do you keep your employees performing well?

You’ve probably experienced this scenario: A high-performing employee has been booming for 1-2 years until something changes. It could be a new manager, the employee is moved to a different team, they are promoted or the company restructures in some other way.

However, the employee’s performance is suddenly not the same and they are now more in line with the company average. Why has this happened when they have been one of the driving forces for so long?

Find the employee’s sweet spot

We’ve documented before that talent is a context-dependent phenomenon, so it stands to reason that the explanation lies in changing the context that the employee is part of. Many companies talk about preboarding, onboarding and offboarding, but reboarding is perhaps the most important ongoing discipline.

Good reboarding ensures sustained employee performance and wellbeing and keeps turnover low as engagement and wellbeing make people stay longer.

Make the most of your employees

The TT38 test is an effective tool for continuous reboarding. By testing employees, managers and preferably the team, you get to know their talents and person-job fit, person-leader fit and person-culture fit. This makes it possible to adapt the work tasks and environment to the person to be reboarded.

Perhaps they can achieve the same high performance as before by working for another manager who has a better person-leader fit, or perhaps optimizations can be made to the team to increase performance. In addition, context issues can be mitigated through good, talent-based dialogs.

We often find that knowing each other’s talents tends to disarm conflict because understanding each other leads to acceptance. What used to cause frustration between employees due to conflicting talents can be turned into a strength if differences are properly orchestrated.



– Customer engagement: 3.4-6.9% increase
– Employee engagement: 9.0-15.0% increase
– Profit: 14.4-29.4% increase
– Sales: 10.3-19.3% increase
– Low churn: 5.8-16.1% reduction
– High churn: 26.0-71.8% reduction

Statements from happy customers

"In DOVISTA, we view “selection” as one of our most important competences, as our ability to choose the right people for the right position are crucial to creating the optimal organization.

In HR we have until recently based interviews on 4-factor profiles, which is an excellent conversation tool, but at the same time we were aware that we were missing an analysis and development tool.

Therefore, we choose to enter a collaboration with Talents Unlimited on their TT38 “Talent test” which gives us new and better opportunities to put together teams and organization based on a thorough test. It gives us opportunities we haven't had before. The fact that we have chosen to become certified ourselves, is because we see the tool utilized far wider than solely for recruitment, which is why we prefer it in-house, which allows us to work more agile, by having the competence ourselves"

"Personality tests have the effect of providing a rather caricatured - and therefore limited - image of a human being. TT38 is not like that.

TT38 draws a nuanced profile that better takes into account the often very contradictory qualities we each possess. The conclusions are not limited to "blue personality with a little green, so this is who you are", but is based on data on a wide range of personal traits and takes into account the interaction between them. It is all presented in a relatively straightforward way and is complemented by knowledgeable questioning and interpretation by Talents Unlimited, allowing the final nuances to come along

The warmest recommendations from here for both recruitment, efficiency and sheer curiosity"

"Talents Unlimited conducted the TT38 Talent Test on everyone in our team. It has been an eye-opening process for all parties, where each of us has been identified with personality, values, human top talents and non-talents - as well as their paradoxes.

I, as well as employees, are now geared to individualize the types of tasks we each enjoy the most, so that we can solve them with the least possible energy and get the highest possible output.

I really feel that we have shaped the pieces and we can now start to puzzle and create some even better teams that understand and complement each other's talents.

It will give us a better bottom line. Economically as well as socially"

"In our selection of candidates, TT38 has
predicted the behavior 100% right each time!
The 3 times we chose not to follow the test
the candidate failed!"

"At Canon, we have a strong focus on hiring the right profiles that can succeed in our highly competitive market. Therefore, in collaboration with Talents Unlimited, we have used the TT38 Talent Test to define a success profile in sales that shows the talents a seller must have to be successful in our industry.
We can see that when we are loyal to our success profile, our success rate is higher in getting a salesperson to succeed in the job. This is of great benefit to both the employee and the company.
We have now gone one step further and have used the TT38 Talent Test in connection with team building in our sales team. The sellers and executives have become more focused on their talents and how they can become even better sellers, as well as how the sales team improve each other with each other's talent contributions"

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