We have made it even easier for both businesses and private customers to access the TT38 Talent Test. You can now purchase the test and any potential feedback directly through our website and pay via a simple and secure payment link.
Here’s how it works:
Click on the button that says “Purchase full test”
Select the product that suits you
Pay easily with most cards or MobilePay.
Within 48 hours, you will receive a link to your personal talent test.
Note! If you purchase Feedback, we will contact you after your purchase to schedule an hour of feedback with you and one of our consultants.
This solution is ideal for our B2B customers who want a flexible and fast process, as well as for private customers who want a simple way to purchase the test. If you have questions, or need assistance, you are always welcome to contact us directly – we are here to help you!
Reduce churn and increase retention
By identifying and leveraging employees’ unique talents, you create stronger engagement and satisfaction, which reduces the costs associated with staff turnover.
Effective recruitment

Economic gain
Companies that invest in employee development and well-being not only achieve lower costs but also higher productivity and improved bottom line.
Prevent stress and enhance well-being
When employees work on tasks that match their talents, the risk of stress and absenteeism is reduced, which strengthens productivity and the work environment.
Increase the overall performance of the team
Understand how your team can collaborate more effectively by leveraging individual strengths and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
Easy Payment with Card and MobilePay
We’ve made it easy for you to pay! We accept most credit cards as well as MobilePay, so you can choose the payment method that best suits you. It’s fast, secure, and straightforward.
Make your payment easier today!